Friday 16 August 2013

5 Demands Every Client and Recruiter Must Make Of Each Other !

5 Demands Every Client and Recruiter Must Make Of Each Other !

For the relationship between recruitment consultant and client to be a stable and productive one, there are certain demands each must ask of one another.
Demand is certainly a strong word but these are needed for a successful partnership.
They are also necessary for us to properly carry out our service, and they help the hiring company to better experience the advantages of using a professional recruitment service.
Without these guidelines, placements will still be made. But the experience may be more akin to the negative and stereotypical perception of working with a recruitment agency!
When these demands are made clear from day one, and adhered to, the process is smooth, pain free and effective.
Like many situations in life, everything goes a lot more smoothly with the right communication and expectations established upfront. Let’s begin by looking at what a client should always ask of their recruiter of choice.

5 Client Demands


1.  Transparency

When instructing a recruitment agency it is vital to demand transparency from them in all that they do (this works both ways, as we’ll get too shortly). Without this, it ultimately defeats one of the main purposes of using an agency to help you hire: inside knowledge.
This includes transparency over the candidates they represent with regards to their employment history (the good and the bad). And honesty about their salary expectations and career motivations.
It is far better to consult on these points and even undersell and over deliver than create a false expectation.

Most recruiters will have no issue with this, they understand that the short term gains of dishonesty will ultimately only lead to a short term relationship with their client.


2.  Informed Representation

Clients have the right to expect, and require, that their recruiting partners act as just that, partners. This means representing the client to the same standard they would represent themselves. Recruiters can achieve this by having an in depth understanding of a client’s culture and unique selling points. You should expect them to learn this and help them get there. If they can act as your extended arm this will help create a positive candidate experience.

3.  Data and Value

You should demand that recruiters are forthcoming with data and information that adds value to the service they provide. Such as salary benchmarking, competitor benefit comparison, employment market statistics and all other information that can aid in the recruitment process.

4.  Clear Information

You should expect clear and tangible information on all candidates represented to you. This starts with the initial CV and background check, and continues right through the recruitment process. This means making sure you are always understanding of candidate’s current situations, motivations and interview activity.
You should never be hit by a game changing piece of information out of the blue!

5.  Regular Updates

Always demand to be kept in the loop, radio silence is never an option. Even if we haven’t found any additional candidates we give clients a progress update at the end of every week. They may be relying on you!

What recruiters should ask for in return?


5 Recruiter Demands


1.  Fair Terms

We are committed to providing you with a professional and valuable service and expect fair terms in compensation for this. To truly benefit from a professional recruitment partner clients must treat us as equals. This means fair terms for a job well done.
Low fees are a false economy in the recruitment industry; never has the phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ been more apt.

2.  Realism and Flexibility

Recruiters will expect a level of realism and flexibility on the client’s part. Everyone wants to hire the best candidates on the market but that just isn’t always possible. Realistic expectations, appropriate salaries and flexibility on skill set will have a recruiter breaking down doors to find the best fit.
Holding out for an A star candidate when you have a C class budget won’t. The cost of not filling a role is well documented. Sometimes you may need to compensate or open up the job description to groom an A star candidate. From our experience, companies willing to look outside of exact industry experience and hire on "attitude" will often have success if you can invest a little time at the outset.

3.  Transparency

Just as clients should demand transparency, recruiters should too. This upfront honesty should extend into the history of the vacancy, the reasons for rejecting candidates, details of number of agencies working the position and any other factors that might hamstring the process.

4.  Timely Feedback

Without timely and thorough feedback we just can’t do our job properly. We require prompt interview feedback and CV reviews. Without it, the best candidates will be snapped up by your competitor.  

5.  Respect

Recruiting isn’t an easy job, if it was the recruitment industry wouldn’t exist, everyone would do it themselves. We are well aware there are some firms that taint the industry but on the whole we are professionals who work hard to make a living. Clients should respect this and the important role an experienced recruiting agency plays in helping to build a successful company.
You’ll find that if these 5 demands are stuck to by both parties, the business relationship between client and recruiter will flourish into a long lasting and productive one, and that is much more enjoyable for all concerned!